Annaly Capital Management Inc. (NLY)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:0
Ownership rank:--
% of all portfolios:0%
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q2  2023
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Sell 100.00% 15,687 0.05
Q1  2023
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 13.86% 2,524 0.01
Q4  2022
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 15.54% 3,350 0.01
Q1  2022
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 14.92% 3,563 0.01
Q3  2021
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 2.55% 625 0.00
Q4  2020
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Sell 100.00% 39,500 0.04
Q3  2020
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 12.22% 5,500 0.01
Q2  2020
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 41.94% 32,500 0.04
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 1.78% 438 0.00
Q3  2018
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 9.39% 532 0.00
Q1  2018
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 12.56% 813 0.00
Q3  2017
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 18.18% 1,438 0.00
Q2  2017
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 51.99% 8,563 0.01
Q1  2017
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 15.95% 3,125 0.00
Q3  2015
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Sell 100.00% 5,011 0.00
Q1  2015
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 44.58% 2,234 0.00
Q4  2014
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 59.95% 7,500 0.01
Q1  2014
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 2.61% 335 0.00
Q2  2013
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 98.48% 541,250 1.30
Q1  2013
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 13.26% 84,029 0.30
Q3  2012
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 0.28% 1,075 0.01
Q4  2011
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Reduce 0.53% 279 0.00
Q2  2009
Meridian Contrarian Fund Sell 100.00% 124,025 0.98
Q1  2009
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 56.28% 159,625 1.26
Q4  2008
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 4.91% 14,650 0.11
Q3  2008
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 13.47% 46,450 0.21
Q2  2008
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 5.07% 18,425 0.09
Q1  2008
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 37.83% 220,950 1.04
Q2  2007
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 40.10% 266,250 0.89

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.