29 Oct 2014 Larry Cunningham: "Berkshire Beyond Buffett" ( Portfolio )

Larry Cunningham's latest book, based in part on interviews of numerous Berkshire insiders, is Berkshire Beyond Buffett: The Enduring Value of Values. This book asks the billion dollar question: what happens to Berkshire after Warren is no longer around? Many assume that the company is so massive and diverse that it will have to be broken up; they blame this fate on a lack of a good succession plan at Berkshire, still run by its 83-year old builder. Larry's book challenges these viewpoints by exploring how the company's 50 direct subsidiaries are united by 9 core common values whose thick corporate culture is an integral force in the succession plan. In Larry's telling, Warren has created a company built to last, brimming with valuable lessons for other innovators, entrepreneurs, investors, managers, and anyone interested in corporate stewardship.