Range Resources Corp. (RRC)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:0
Ownership rank:--
% of all portfolios:0%
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q3  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 15,483 0.01
Q2  2023
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 22.80% 4,573 0.00
Q4  2022
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Sell 100.00% 3,900,000 1.79
Q1  2022
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 4,880 0.00
Q4  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 88.08% 36,068 0.00
Q2  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 32.26% 9,468 0.00
Q1  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 39.18% 18,903 0.00
Q1  2019
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Sell 100.00% 171,549 0.08
Q1  2018
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Sell 100.00% 325,000 0.79
Q4  2017
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 150,000 0.04
Q3  2017
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 62.50% 250,000 0.07
Q3  2016
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 19.75% 80,000 0.44
Q2  2016
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 1,438,000 0.96
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 50.61% 415,000 2.53
Q1  2016
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 10.49% 168,452 0.11
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 31.67% 380,000 1.62
Q2  2015
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 5.49% 45,000 0.25
Q3  2014
Leon Cooperman Sell 100.00% 54,522 0.06
Q1  2014
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 22.50% 90,000 0.91
Q4  2013
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 2.44% 10,000 0.10
Q1  2013
Wallace Weitz - Weitz Large Cap Equity Fund Reduce 9.30% 40,000 0.43
Q4  2010
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Sell 100.00% 575,000 0.15

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.