Sector:Information Technology
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:6
Ownership rank:64
% of all portfolios:0.164%
Hold Price * :$199.18
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q2  2024
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 15.15% 150,000 0.48
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 21.06% 38,617 0.92
Torray Funds Reduce 33.09% 35,683 1.06
Q1  2024
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 1.00% 10,000 0.03
Torray Funds Reduce 2.59% 2,871 0.07
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 8.47% 76,000 0.24
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 9.73% 19,756 0.40
Q4  2023
Torray Funds Reduce 0.52% 578 0.01
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 1.36% 2,793 0.05
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 23.08% 300,000 0.77
Q3  2023
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 29.73% 550,000 1.21
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 3,049 0.01
Q3  2022
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 3.66% 7,140 0.13
Q4  2021
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 0.12% 194 0.00
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 490,000 1.51
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 35,408 0.05
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Sell 100.00% 2,650 0.05
Q3  2021
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 4.48% 23,000 0.07
Q2  2021
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 15.83% 2,847 0.00
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 31.60% 237,000 0.70
Q4  2020
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 1.65% 2,242 0.06
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 2.75% 17,100 0.05
Torray Funds Reduce 24.40% 4,186 0.11
Q3  2020
Torray Funds Reduce 23.36% 5,229 0.11
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 29.21% 55,944 1.28
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 39.77% 1,750 0.03
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 515,500 0.82
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 3,193 0.01
Q2  2020
Torray Funds Reduce 2.35% 539 0.01
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Reduce 7.45% 41,500 0.07
Q1  2020
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 5.44% 35,800 0.07
Torray Funds Reduce 17.20% 4,762 0.07
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 18.52% 1,000 0.01
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 98.26% 49,048 0.00
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Sell 100.00% 506,470 1.60
Q4  2019
Torray Funds Reduce 1.29% 361 0.01
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 17.50% 10,587 0.01
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 24.81% 217,100 0.42
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 32.30% 7,300 1.14
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 88.77% 42,675 0.40
Q3  2019
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 4.94% 2,500 0.02
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 10.67% 2,700 0.39
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 20.23% 127,445 0.40
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 22.76% 17,828 0.02
Q2  2019
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 20.69% 6,600 0.94
Torray Funds Reduce 22.11% 7,889 0.06
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 31.84% 23,625 0.15
Hillman Value Fund Sell 100.00% 15,600 2.89
Q1  2019
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 94.68% 1,319,663 5.51
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 127,160 0.11
Q4  2018
Torray Funds Reduce 0.03% 10 0.00
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 1.72% 15,000 0.02
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 2.02% 2,620 0.00
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 9.32% 143,299 0.54
Q3  2018
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 5.95% 55,000 0.09
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 13.24% 234,667 0.85
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 15.83% 6,000 0.75
Q2  2018
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 8.77% 170,259 0.48
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Sell 100.00% 1,365,211 0.66
Q1  2018
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 1.07% 10,000 0.01
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 2.67% 1,000 0.10
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 11.24% 245,862 0.63
Q4  2017
Mairs & Power Growth Fund Reduce 10.95% 115,000 0.16
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 27.27% 820,410 2.13
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 45.72% 1,150,009 0.63
Hillman Value Fund Sell 100.00% 20,000 3.31
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 4,456,410 2.93
Q3  2017
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 8.09% 264,873 0.47
Seth Klarman - Baupost Group Sell 100.00% 5,216,000 3.31
Q2  2017
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 19.81% 808,739 1.37
Daniel Loeb - Third Point Sell 100.00% 3,500,000 1.98
Q1  2017
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 1,400,000 1.71
Meridian Contrarian Fund Sell 100.00% 136,469 1.71
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 47,900 0.04
Q4  2016
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 3.66% 1,820 0.00
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 5.71% 2,000 0.22
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 15.61% 540,165 0.86
Meridian Contrarian Fund Reduce 46.06% 116,531 1.46
Q3  2016
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 2.78% 1,000 0.12
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 13.77% 552,553 0.79
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 41.44% 1,284,550 0.88
Q2  2016
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 3.74% 1,400 0.14
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 32.54% 1,936,109 2.10
Q1  2016
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 7.43% 3,000 0.27
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 29.54% 2,494,711 2.31
Q4  2015
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 11.55% 1,102,840 0.95
Q3  2015
David Rolfe - Wedgewood Partners Reduce 4.97% 499,452 0.39
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Sell 100.00% 793,800 2.21
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Sell 100.00% 102,000 0.86
Q2  2015
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 9.38% 82,200 0.23
Q4  2014
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 51.32% 514,300 1.68
Q3  2014
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 14.29% 300,000 0.24
Leon Cooperman Sell 100.00% 1,271,135 1.33
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Sell 100.00% 311,120 0.39
Q2  2014
David Katz - Matrix Asset Advisors Reduce 8.82% 3,200 0.31
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Reduce 12.31% 8,000 0.10
Leon Cooperman Reduce 36.87% 742,452 0.78
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 84.01% 1,634,771 2.05
Stephen Mandel - Lone Pine Capital Sell 100.00% 6,530,923 2.31
David Tepper - Appaloosa Management Sell 100.00% 988,523 1.36

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.