Lennar Corp. CL B (LEN.B)

Sector:Industrial Goods
Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:5
Ownership rank:91
% of all portfolios:0.087%
Hold Price * :$139.43
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q2  2024
Torray Funds Reduce 11.65% 12,770 0.27
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 6.59% 34,050 0.06
Third Avenue Management Reduce 3.30% 5,513 0.13
Q1  2024
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 9.24% 52,609 0.07
Third Avenue Management Reduce 3.69% 6,416 0.16
Q4  2023
Greenhaven Associates Add 0.07% 385 0.00
Third Avenue Management Reduce 15.62% 32,162 0.71
Q3  2023
Third Avenue Management Reduce 3.51% 7,496 0.13
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.74% 4,270 0.01
Q2  2023
Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway Buy 152,572 0.00
Third Avenue Management Reduce 21.98% 60,100 1.12
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.67% 3,875 0.01
Q1  2023
Third Avenue Management Reduce 16.63% 54,540 0.83
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.40% 2,295 0.00
Q4  2022
Greenhaven Associates Add 1.64% 9,347 0.01
Torray Funds Buy 109,629 1.48
Third Avenue Management Reduce 16.64% 65,463 0.85
Q3  2022
Third Avenue Management Reduce 1.98% 7,941 0.09
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.84% 4,847 0.01
Q2  2022
Greenhaven Associates Add 16.16% 79,996 0.10
Samantha McLemore - Patient Capital Management Buy 12,500 0.36
Third Avenue Management Reduce 15.40% 73,079 0.76
Q1  2022
Greenhaven Associates Add 9.74% 43,920 0.08
Third Avenue Management Reduce 0.76% 3,639 0.03
Q4  2021
Third Avenue Management Reduce 1.35% 6,554 0.08
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.39% 1,786 0.00
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Sell 100.00% 13,000 0.01
Q3  2021
Third Avenue Management Add 0.40% 1,943 0.02
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.28% 1,267 0.00
Q2  2021
Third Avenue Management Add 0.20% 941 0.01
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.36% 1,646 0.00
Q1  2021
Greenhaven Associates Add 0.03% 123 0.00
Third Avenue Management Add 0.17% 826 0.01
Q4  2020
Third Avenue Management Reduce 31.11% 217,209 1.87
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 1.70% 7,857 0.01
Q3  2020
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 19.37% 111,377 0.16
Third Avenue Management Reduce 14.72% 120,513 1.10
Q2  2020
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Reduce 49.42% 12,700 0.01
Third Avenue Management Reduce 17.57% 174,487 1.13
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.28% 1,626 0.00
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Sell 100.00% 9,708 0.02
Q1  2020
Greenhaven Associates Add 0.61% 3,470 0.00
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 6.86% 1,650 0.00
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Reduce 27.05% 3,600 0.01
Third Avenue Management Reduce 12.14% 137,205 0.59
Q4  2019
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 10.57% 2,300 0.00
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Reduce 28.14% 5,212 0.01
Third Avenue Management Reduce 11.35% 144,747 0.64
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.01% 41 0.00
Q3  2019
Third Avenue Management Add 0.70% 8,813 0.04
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Buy 21,750 0.01
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Reduce 2.11% 400 0.00
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.07% 393 0.00
Q2  2019
Third Avenue Management Add 1.45% 18,121 0.06
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Add 2.25% 416 0.00
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.22% 1,249 0.00
Q1  2019
Third Avenue Management Add 0.46% 5,665 0.02
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Add 42.34% 5,504 0.01
Q4  2018
Third Avenue Management Add 5.68% 66,736 0.17
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Buy 13,000 0.02
Q3  2018
Third Avenue Management Add 7.09% 77,797 0.17
Q2  2018
Third Avenue Management Add 149.61% 658,113 1.39
Q3  2012
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Sell 100.00% 101,700 0.11
Q1  2012
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 5.17% 5,000 0.00
Q4  2011
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Buy 96,700 0.08

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.