Citigroup Inc. (C)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:7
Ownership rank:48
% of all portfolios:0.575%
Hold Price * :$63.46
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q1  2021
Greenhaven Associates Sell 100.00% 4,649,084 5.40
Q4  2020
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Reduce 95.42% 75,666 0.00
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Reduce 8.84% 2,000 0.00
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 5.28% 213,045 0.18
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 17.36% 112,687 0.23
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 4.04% 34,382 0.37
Greenhaven Associates Add 121.36% 2,548,880 2.96
Q3  2020
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 0.47% 3,032 0.01
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 35.16% 20,630 0.02
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 6.51% 146,170 0.14
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 6.64% 50,400 0.21
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 6.08% 250,000 0.32
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 9.12% 107,421 0.34
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 8.84% 82,574 0.68
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Sell 100.00% 2,082,969 0.79
Q2  2020
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 0.59% 3,760 0.01
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Add 325.32% 44,874 0.05
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 0.86% 8,108 0.07
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Reduce 30.15% 898,887 0.34
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 6.80% 300,000 0.44
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 39.42% 214,700 1.10
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Reduce 23.11% 354,134 1.20
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 73.46% 6,216,566 7.03
Q1  2020
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 11.32% 2,300 0.00
Lee Ainslie - Maverick Capital Buy 13,794 0.01
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 1.21% 7,866 0.02
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 4.05% 170,107 0.11
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 6.48% 65,269 0.50
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 23.91% 171,100 0.78
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 27.72% 332,525 0.90
John Armitage - Egerton Capital Buy 2,981,856 1.30
Leon Cooperman Reduce 51.67% 395,600 2.15
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 28.97% 3,452,049 5.41
Q4  2019
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 0.14% 900 0.00
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 11.83% 2,150 0.00
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Reduce 5.75% 73,186 0.25
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 1.56% 188,542 0.34
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 6.37% 300,000 0.52
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 5.10% 54,170 0.52
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 13.27% 109,500 0.59
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 17.13% 868,686 0.76
ValueAct Capital Reduce 3.57% 1,000,000 0.81
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Sell 100.00% 1,372,732 5.06
Q3  2019
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 13.07% 2,100 0.00
Greenhaven Associates Add 0.12% 14,187 0.02
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Reduce 1.12% 15,586 0.06
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Reduce 3.28% 43,141 0.14
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 2.08% 100,000 0.16
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 4.30% 228,172 0.17
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 3.81% 42,029 0.36
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 24.42% 266,650 1.17
ValueAct Capital Reduce 11.10% 3,500,000 2.61
Francis Chou - Chou Associates Reduce 47.93% 62,305 2.65
Q2  2019
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 18.42% 2,500 0.00
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 0.56% 3,625 0.01
Greenhaven Associates Reduce 0.55% 66,637 0.08
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Reduce 2.01% 28,435 0.11
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 9.10% 109,300 0.46
Kahn Brothers Group Add 19.84% 182,664 1.60
Q1  2019
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 0.45% 23,870 0.01
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Add 1.61% 10,250 0.03
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Reduce 4.62% 63,815 0.18
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 2.79% 26,466 0.26
Bill Nygren - Oakmark Select Fund Reduce 5.87% 300,000 0.41
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 14.58% 152,800 0.54
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Add 18.93% 225,467 0.71
Q4  2018
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 14.32% 1,700 0.00
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 1.54% 9,975 0.02
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Add 1.32% 69,373 0.04
Kahn Brothers Group Add 1.94% 18,050 0.17
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 12.19% 145,600 0.47
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Reduce 14.15% 196,397 0.52
Leon Cooperman Reduce 15.82% 143,900 0.73
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 33.75% 348,156 0.89
ValueAct Capital Add 20.21% 5,300,000 3.44
Q3  2018
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 66.71% 4,750 0.00
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 0.71% 4,615 0.01
Leon Cooperman Reduce 3.50% 33,000 0.10
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 1.11% 10,450 0.12
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Reduce 10.84% 125,425 0.38
ValueAct Capital Add 4.17% 1,050,000 0.74
Francis Chou - Chou Associates Reduce 38.10% 80,000 2.08
Bruce Berkowitz - Fairholme Capital Sell 100.00% 235,000 2.11
Guy Spier - Aquamarine Capital Sell 100.00% 106,000 3.34
Glenn Greenberg - Brave Warrior Advisors Buy 1,387,683 4.24
Q2  2018
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 0.24% 1,585 0.00
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Buy 7,120 0.01
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 0.95% 8,989 0.10
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Add 5.27% 59,750 0.21
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Reduce 7.58% 94,911 0.28
Leon Cooperman Add 37.81% 258,600 0.60
Bruce Berkowitz - Fairholme Capital Buy 235,000 2.11
ValueAct Capital Add 55.40% 8,975,500 5.44
Q1  2018
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 8.04% 57,175 0.17
Steven Romick - FPA Crescent Fund Reduce 7.18% 406,447 0.24
Kahn Brothers Group Reduce 3.40% 33,416 0.36
Leon Cooperman Add 426.08% 553,900 1.40
ValueAct Capital Add 1372.73% 15,100,000 10.22
Q4  2017
Bill Miller - Miller Value Partners Reduce 4.07% 30,149 0.10
Harry Burn - Sound Shore Reduce 3.57% 42,050 0.15

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.