Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM)

Super Investor Stats:
Ownership count:6
Ownership rank:64
% of all portfolios:0.067%
Hold Price * :$115.12
History Portfolio Manager Activity Share change % change to portfolio
Q4  2013
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Add 6.54% 500,000 0.25
Q3  2013
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.34% 11,302 0.03
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 11.90% 70,325 0.26
Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway Add 28.31% 8,845,261 0.83
Q2  2013
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Add 40.89% 65,900 0.07
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 2.89% 23,785 0.08
Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway Buy 31,244,110 3.07
Q1  2013
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 55.33% 210,550 0.89
Q2  2012
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.62% 13,202 0.05
Q1  2012
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 0.38% 3,057 0.01
Q4  2011
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Buy 2,528 0.03
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 7.12% 53,926 0.24
Q3  2011
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 4.63% 33,502 0.15
Q2  2011
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 2.73% 3,000 0.04
Q1  2011
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Add 1.00% 1,942 0.00
Chuck Akre - Akre Capital Management Buy 2,528 0.04
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 4.14% 28,801 0.13
Q4  2010
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 8.64% 55,326 0.23
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Add 7.00% 500,000 0.24
Q3  2010
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 23.00% 23,000 0.25
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 17.65% 96,052 0.36
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Add 10.24% 4,300 0.50
Q2  2010
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Add 0.72% 1,426 0.00
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 0.38% 5,873 0.02
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 11.11% 10,000 0.11
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 9.04% 45,101 0.18
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Add 13.67% 858,858 0.41
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Add 59.70% 15,700 1.87
Q1  2010
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Add 3.57% 6,825 0.02
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 45.40% 28,100 0.31
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 19.92% 82,900 0.34
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Add 46.67% 2,000,000 1.06
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Add 71.62% 638,675 1.66
Q4  2009
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Add 15.54% 25,674 0.09
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 8.33% 32,000 0.15
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Add 8.68% 2,100 0.39
Richard Pzena - Hancock Classic Value Buy 891,725 2.52
Q3  2009
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.32% 5,000 0.03
Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway Add 49.36% 421,800 0.05
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 10.73% 6,000 0.07
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Add 51.25% 8,200 1.64
Q2  2009
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Add 14.55% 7,100 0.10
Warren Buffett - Berkshire Hathaway Buy 854,490 0.12
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Add 28.00% 3,500 0.85
Q1  2009
Thomas Russo - Gardner Russo & Quinn Add 0.03% 69 0.00
Robert Olstein - Olstein Capital Management Buy 48,800 0.75
Charles Bobrinskoy - Ariel Focus Fund Buy 12,500 3.78
Q4  2008
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Add 13.21% 500,000 0.44
Q3  2008
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 0.03% 100 0.00
Q2  2008
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 2.69% 10,000 0.06
Q1  2008
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 1.28% 4,700 0.02
Q4  2007
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 0.13% 489 0.00
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust Add 7.07% 250,000 0.23
Q2  2007
Thomas Gayner - Markel Group Add 0.57% 2,066 0.01
Q1  2007
Dodge & Cox Add 0.02% 1,500 0.00

* "Hold Price" is the last known price at which an investor still held a security. It is the closing price of the security as of the portfolio date (quarter end). This value is only provided when a security is owned by at least two investors. In the case of reporting dates being different, a weighted average price is calculated.